About Me

About Me

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Hi and welcome to Quick N’ Healthy Meals. My goal is to create and share recipes and meal ideas that anyone can make using simple, wholesome ingredients. No matter your life-style or way of eating, you’ll be sure to find recipes for meals here that are tasty and healthy.

My Story

My name is Dawn and I’m the founder of quicknhealthymeals.com. I have struggled with weight for much of my adult life and I’ve tried almost every diet out there. I’ve done so many diets, I can easily outline which ones are helpful and which are outright dangerous. After many years of trial and error, I’ve gained a lot of insight on the impact of food on our bodies and our well-being.

Today, I know that the best diet for me involves cooking and eating healthy meals using wholesome ingredients and simple recipes. We are all different and have different nutritional needs. We also come from diverse cultures where food plays an integral part of our unique traditions.

In recognition of our differences, I’ve included meals with highly customizable recipes. You will find alternative and substitute ingredients for almost any recipe or meal. Quicknhealthymeals.com will provide recipes for meals that fit various life-styles and ways of eating including for diabetics, hypertensives, the over-weight or anyone looking for healthy substitutes for their favorite recipes.

My Purpose

Being of service and being a problem-solver have always been vital to who I am. I also grew up experimenting with cooking and baking in the kitchen with my mother. I’ve longed searched for a way to combine my love of helping others with my love of cooking. Quicknhealthymeals.com is my conduit to making this happen.

These days many of us don’t have the time or the inclination to research what ingredients or substitutes to use to make our diets healthier. Many of us also don’t know the first thing about cooking and are intimidated by the thought of turning on the stove. To simplify life, many of us just grab whatever’s on the grocery shelf or at the fast food joint and hope for the best. (Not to worry! I have your back. I promise all our recipes really are quick, easy and healthy!)

On the other hand, I enjoy scrutinizing ingredient labels and learning about how certain foods impact our bodies. I like doing the research to find the answers that others don’t have the time to do. This culinary investigation answers my need to problem-solve and sharing my discoveries and recipes with you answers my need to be of service. I hope you find this site to be a valuable resource in your pursuit of healthy eating.

My Promise

The goal of quicknhealthymeals.com is to provide you with recipes for all meals that are quick and easy to prepare and made with healthy ingredients. No matter your tradition or personal way of eating, I strive to simply your life by simplifying your meals.

If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

All the best,



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