The Healthiest Drinks for Your Well-Being

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In any discussion about healthy diets or lifestyles, there’s often talk about what and how to eat. Very rarely is there any discussion about what we should be drinking to supplement our nutritional profile. In this post, I’ll be discussing several types of beverages and the most healthy drinks for your health.
We must consume sufficient liquids every day to prevent dehydration and to add vitamins, minerals, prebiotics, fiber, and other nutrients to our bodies. I’ll be discussing four of the main beverages I recommend for anyone looking to improve their health and well-being.
It’s amazing to know that something as simple as a drink can have such a great impact on our bodies and adding any of the drinks below will greatly benefit your overall health.
Apple Cider Vinegar & Lemon Tonic

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) & Lemon Tonic, is a concoction that I came up with to assist me in my weight loss journey. It’s made with just a few ingredients that can make a great positive impact on your general health. ACV has recently come to the forefront as a nutritional powerhouse and it’s said to be beneficial for a host of conditions and ailments. Some of the therapeutic properties of ACV include:
- Lowers blood sugar to help fight diabetes
- Helps with weight loss and appetite control
- Lowers cholesterol
- Anti-bacterial and anti-microbial (contains acetic acid which prevents the spread of bacteria in the body)
- May protect against cancer
Lemon juice is the second important component of my ACV & Lemon Tonic. Lemon juice is also full of nutritional benefits including:
- Aids in digestion
- Great source of Vitamin C – a great anti-oxidant
- Supports weight loss by improving insulin resistance
- Helps prevent and dissolve kidney stones
- Improves skin and freshens breath
Angostura bitters, water, and liquid stevia round out the rest of the ingredients for this tonic. Angostura bitters contain digestives that help with fat metabolism, improve protein digestion, and reduce gases and bloating. The liquid stevia adds a bit of sweetness as this beverage is very sour.
I usually drink this ACV & lemon tonic before and during my high-fat keto meals. It helps me to digest heavy meals and also helps to keep me full for many hours. It’s a gift for intermittent fasting and you can get the recipe here.
Kombucha Tea

Kombucha is another beverage that’s gaining popularity among the health-conscious. Some folks think kombucha is an exotic beverage that probably tastes weird and would never think to try it. I say to these people that they’re doing themselves a disservice as kombucha can be delicious as well as extremely healthy for the human biome.
So what is kombucha? Kombucha is a fermented tea drink that has several health benefits including:
- Improves gut health with its abundance of pre-biotic bacteria
- Anti-oxidant that combats inflammation in the body
- Improves cholesterol levels by reducing bad LDL cholesterol and increasing the good HDL cholesterol
- Anti-bacterial and anti-microbial (kills E-coli, salmonella, and shigella)
- Improves liver, kidney, and lung functions
These are just a few of the benefits of this remarkable beverage. There are many types and flavors available, so experiment to find one that you like. Your body will thank you.
Soda/Seltzer Water

It may surprise some that I’ve included soda or seltzer water in this list of most healthy drinks but bear with me and you’ll see why. There is nothing inherently healthy about seltzer water, but it can be of great help to anyone trying to beat a sugary soda addiction. Do you see where I’m going with this?
Soda water has the fizziness of regular soda with none of the sugar and it is available either plain or flavored. Anyone trying to break their addiction to soda pop can do so by using seltzer water with a sugar-free sweetener added to make it taste just like a regular carbonated beverage.
We need to drink at least 8 cups of water every day, but some people find it difficult to drink this much plain water throughout the day. Drinking seltzer water can help with the daily water requirement and help to stave off dehydration. All carbonated water is not the same, so you should try several brands to find the one you like.

Last but certainly not least of the list of the most healthy drinks for your health is water. We are 60% water. We cannot survive without water, yet many of us find it difficult to drink this most vital of fluids. Two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom combine to give us this plain, tasteless liquid that is essential to good health. Among the benefits of drinking water:
- Regulates body temperature
- Lubricates and cushions our joints
- Helps us make saliva and tears
- Aids in digestion
- Helps us eliminate waste
- Keeps us from being dehydrated
This is by no means an exhaustive list of the benefits of water, it’s merely a drop in the bucket. Water, bar none, is the most healthy drink you can consume for your health and well-being.
Drink Your Way to Health
In addition to the above-mentioned drinks, you can also add other beverages like coffee, herbal tea, juiced vegetables, and diluted fruit juice to round out the list of healthy drinks for your health. Coffee and tea contain antioxidants that help combat inflammation and fruit juices contain many vitamins and fiber that are beneficial to health. Fruit juices must be diluted with either flat or carbonated water to cut down on the amount of sugar that may be found in some.
Consuming any or all of these drinks helps to fulfill your daily water intake requirements in addition to providing antioxidants, vitamins, pre-biotics, fiber, and many other nutrients.
I’d love it if you tried my ACV & Lemon Tonic. If you do, please get back to me to let me know how you liked it and if it works for you as it does for me. Let me know in the comments and I’ll get right back to you. Until then Happy Drinking! 🙂
Loved your article. As someone that has recently been diagnosed with Crohn’s and has been going through a difficult time with health issues, diet is one thing I’ve notice can help. It doesn’t cure, but helps. The kombucha tea and ACV definitely seem like great drinks. I’ve come to love kombucha by the way. I know what you mean by those that don’t give it a chance. lol. Thanks for your informative article. Will definitely try some of your recipes.
Hey Jesus,
Thank you for your kind words. I’m sorry to hear about your diagnosis but I’m glad that you know that food makes a great difference in our health. Do try my tonic recipe and let me know how it works for you.
I have been taking apple cider vinegar for many years as it is so good for our bodies. I do like the sound of your tonic, so will give it a go as soon as I get some Angostura bitters. At night I have substituted my regular tea for a mix of freshly squeezed lemon juice, honey, and ginger. It tastes so good and doesn’t have any caffeine to keep me awake. I’m not sure why some people find it difficult to drink plain water? I often work outdoors and find that I easily drink two or more liters of fresh water a day. I love it! It is as you say, the best drink we can have!
Hi Andrew,
Sounds like you’re already well on your way to reaping the benefits of ACV. Yes, please do try my tonic whenever you get some Angostura Bitters and let me know how you like it.
Your mention of the biomes is interesting because my brother in law is very health conscious and has been sharing a lot about this topic lately. I definitely will try the ACV and lemon tonic. It sounds like it could be very helpful. Thanks for your informative article!
You’re most welcome Sharon. Do try the tonic and let me know how it works for you.