Category: Recommendations

Signs You’re In Ketosis

A version of this article was originally published on HVMN There are two paths to achieve ketosis. The first is through the ketogenic diet or fasting, which can take weeks or months for the body […]

CBD and Weight Loss: Can CBD Really Help You Lose Weight?

A version of this article originally appeared on MadebyHemp. It’s that time again for a guest post from my friends over at MadebyHemp. I love the many benefits of cannabidiol or CBD and am happy […]

How to Lose Weight Naturally

  I created this blog to provide quick and healthy meal ideas, recipes and product reviews for busy individuals looking to lead a healthy but convenient lifestyle. As such, a big part of the mission […]

Best Fish To Eat

  What is the best fish to eat? I’ll be the first to admit that any answer to this will be subjective. We don’t all have the same likes and tastes so the idea of […]

Natural Appetite Suppressants

  When it comes to weight loss, many of us, myself included, look for a magic bullet that will help us to quickly lose a lot of fat in the shortest period possible. Alas! That’s […]

Let Food Be Your Medicine

  I have always subscribed to the notion that the cure to all that ails us lies within the foods we eat. After all, most medicines originate from compounds found in nature including but not […]

Healthy Frozen Foods

  Convenience is of great importance to me, especially when it comes to meal preparation. I’ve never aspired to be a chef de cuisine, rather someone who is adept at preparing quick, easy, healthy and […]

Natural Health Supplements

  In this day and age, most things are about efficiency and speed and this goes doubly so when it comes to taking health supplements. Think about it, natural health supplements can greatly simplify life […]

Antioxidants and Foods

  We hear a lot these days about antioxidants and how they are important for our health and well being. We even get recommendations on what foods we can eat or which supplements we can […]

Intermittent Fasting and Keto

A version of this article originally appeared on HVMN  The ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting have more in common than you may believe. When combining the two practices, they may be able to synergistically work […]

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